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Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix 624 gr

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Regular price Rp 159.000,00
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Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix terbuat dari campuran beberapa tepung bebas gluten, diantaranya adalah tepung beras, pati kentang, tepung tapioka, sorghum, xanthan gum, ditambah dengan non-dairy choco chip, gula, garam, baking soda dan bubuk vanilla.
Campuran tepung bebas gluten kami menghasilkan tekstur cookies yang ideal, lembut dan chewy pada bagian dalam, serta renyah pada bagian luarnya

- Bebas gluten
- Mudah untuk dibuat

Tambahkan premiks dengan telur, air, dan butter, aduk hingga merata, dan panggang selama 10-13 menit. Untuk Cara membuat yang lebih lengkap dapat dilihat pada kemasan.
Now baking gluten free chocolate chip cookies is easy! Our Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix makes irresistible cookies that taste just like you remember from childhood—but without the gluten. Fair warning: you’ll need to guard this cookie dough from little fingers!

We start with our incredible gluten free flour blend—a mixture of rice flours, potato starch, sorghum and tapioca flour, and xanthan gum—and add non-dairy chocolate chips, sugars, sea salt, baking soda and vanilla powder. To make the dough, all you need to add is an egg, water and butter to the dry ingredients before scooping the dough onto a baking sheet and baking for 10-13 minutes. Substitute non dairy butter and our Gluten Free Egg Replacer if you prefer!

Our unique gluten free flour blend gives these cookies the ideal texture: soft and chewy on the inside with crispy edges, filled with warm, gooey chocolate. One package yields about 24 cookies that take just minutes to bake, so your only problem may be actually getting the dough to the baking sheet without eating it all!